Hanna Schmück

I'm a Research Associate at the University of Glasgow working on the linguistic and data visualisation outputs of the OHOS Project. I am also a Doctoral Candidate, Research Assistant, and Associate Lecturer at Lancaster University. I greatly enjoy all things corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, and data visualisation. The main aim of my work is to develop new, explainable methodologies and workflows so we can analyse (existing) linguistic data in new ways and further our understanding of language and the mind. Have a look at my research/projects, publications, learn more about me, and feel free to get in touch if you want to explore possible collaborations.

Current Role at the University of Glasgow

Research Associate - Information Studies, School of Humanities

The project I am working on, Our Heritage, Our Stories, is a Discovery Research Project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, as part of the Towards a National Collection programme. It aims to to make community-generated digital content from a large number of different community archives more linkable, searchable, and to make it available alongside custodial resources like The National Archive. My main research area within this project is identifying how corpus linguists can benefit from the rich resources found in community archives and how language can be valued and appreciated as a heritage object. I have also created the visualisation outputs (named entity networks) for the project. These can be found here.

Projects and Experience at Lancaster University